Why I started Big Work?
Big Work was born out of the Covid19 crisis. I was hard at work starting my own Montessori school when everything came to a halt. At the time, I was not sure if a school would be viable given the economic, social and political uncertainties.
As the situation became more and more serious, school closed and social distancing became the new normal. Parents began working from home and children started distance learning. Overnight, parents who may have been meer observers in the children’s education, had to quickly become step into a new role as assistant or homeschool educators with little guidance or experience.
As days became weeks, I noticed that many parents were searching for answers, tools, resources, guides on how to best support their children learning from home. in the most authentic Montessori way. I decided to offer parents, caregivers, grandparents, homeschooling community and even classroom teachers a place where they find everything they need to set up a learning programme.
At Big Work, Montessori home educators can access not just lessons and individual resources but entire units of work that encompass the entire curriculum complete with materials and tools to support the aims of the lessons. Since I strongly believe in following the interests of the child, I wanted these units to link to children’s interests.
Even though this is what I am aiming for at the start, I am sure Big Work will evolve with time. I am hoping that you can all be part of that evolution. I look forward to your feedback and comments.