Lower Elementary
Geography Scope and Sequence for 6-9 year olds
Geography Linkage Exercises
From the Glove to the Planisphere
The continent of the child/The country of the child
Study of Land and Water Forms
Study of Land and Water forms
Chapter 1: The Universe, Solar System and Earth
The Universe
How was the universe formed?
The Sun as a Star
The Solar System as part of a Galaxy
The Sun as a Star with Eight Planets
The Sun and the Earth
The Earth as a Planet in the Solar System
The difference between a Star and a Planet
The Layers of the Earth
A Detailed Look at the Lithosphere
Chapter 2: General Laws Affecting the Order of the Universe
Forces of Attraction
Centrifugal and Centripetal Forces
Gravity and Escape Velocity
Gravity II
Inertia and Friction
Friction II
Elements of Matter
Ways of Combining
types of solutions
chemical reaction
Degrees of Solidity
Chapter 3: The Movement of Planet Earth and Its Consequences
Earth Receives Light from the Sun
Rays of the Sun
Rotation and its Consequences
Day and Night
Changing Temperatures
Imaginary Lines
Time Zones
The Seasons
Apparent Movement of the Sun
Climatic Zones
Seasonal Changes of Temperature
Working Charts of the Seasons
Chapter 4: The Lithosphere
The Formation of the Earth
Objects Settle According to their Weights
Rocks and Minerals
Composition of the Earth’s Crust
Plate Tectonics
Consequences of Plate Movement
Parts of a Mountain
Chapter 5: The Atmosphere
Characteristics of the Atmosphere
Layers of the Atmosphere
The Importance of the Atmosphere
The Movement of the Atmosphere creates Wind
The Atmosphere Holds Moisture
The Atmosphere is affected by Temperature
The Atmosphere is affected by Gravity
Movement of Air
Upper Elementary
Geography Scope and Sequence for 9-12 year olds
Chapter 6: The Atmosphere in Motion
The Wind
How is the Wind Formed?
High and Low Pressure Zones
Variable Winds
Winds at different Latitudes
Work Charts of the Winds
Local Winds
The Work of the Wind
Rotation of Earth and its Effect on Winds
Chapter 7: The Hydrosphere
Water Obeys the Laws of Nature
Water Currents
Ocean Currents
The Work of Water
The River and Its Basin
The Lake
Seas and Oceans
The Water Cycle
Chapter 8: The Biosphere
Different Vegetation on Earth
People in Different Zones
People Need Water
Chapter 9: Human Geography
Human societies
The Story of Bread
Interdependencies of Services
Exchanges of goods (The Story of Currency)
Taxes and The Government
Economic Geography
Import and Export
Government and Politics
Human Body as a model for Human Economy