I. The Plant


1. The Plant

a. The Plant

b. The Root

c. The Stem

d. The Leaves

e. The Axis of the Plant

II. The Roots


2. Types of Roots

a. Tap Roots or Branched Roots

b. Fasciculated Roots

3. Swollen Roots

a. Conical Roots

b. Napiform Roots

c. Fusiform Roots

d. Tuberous Roots

III. The Stem or Trunk


4. Types of Stems or Trunks

a. Aerial Stems

b. Subterranean or Underground Stems

5. Parts and Attachment of Stem

a. Node

b. Internode

c. Axil

d. Bud

e. Bud

6. Subterranean Stems

a. Rhizome

b. Tubers

c. Bulb

d. Corm

7. Aerial Stems - Habit of Growth

a. Erect

b. Procumbent

c. Climbing

8. Erect Stems

a. Herbaceous

b. Shrubby

c. Woody

IV. Leaves


9. Parts of the Leaf

a. The Leaf

b. The Veins

c. The Blade

d. The Margin

e. The Petiole

f. The Stipules

g. The Apex

10. Venation of Leaf

a. Reticulate

b. Parallel

11. The Blade

a. Simple

b. Compound

12. Forms of Leaves - A

a. Ovate

b. Obovate

c. Cordate

d. Obcordate

e. Lanceolate

f. Oblanceolate

g. Hastate

h. Sagittate

13. Forms of Leaves-B

a. Spatulate

b. Reniform

c. Elliptical

d. Linear

e. Aciculate

f. Orbiculate

g. Ensiform

h. Triangular

14. Further Forms of Leaves

a. Lyrate

b. Runcinate

c. Peltate

15. Margin of Leaves

a. Entire

b. Dented

16 Double Named, Deep Incisioned Margins - Pinnately

a. Pinnately Lobed

b. Pinnately fid

c. Pinnately Partite

d. Pinnately Sect

17. Double Named, Deep Incisioned Margins - Palmately

a. Palmately Lobed

b. Palmately Fid

c. Palmately Partite

d. Palmately Sect

18. Dented margins

a. Serrate

b. Crenate

c. Dentate

19. Compound Leaves

a. Pinnate

b. Palmate

20. Pinnate Leaves

a. Paripinnate

b. Imparipinnate

21. Phyllotaxis

a. Alternate

b. Opposite

c. Whorled

V. The Flower


22. Parts of the Flower

a. The Flower

b. The Calyx

c. The Corolla

d. The Androecium

e. The Gynoecium

23. Types of Calyx

a. Gamosepalous

b. Poysepalous or Dialysepalous

24. The Position of the Calyx

a. Inferior or Hypogynous

b. Superior of Epigynous

25. The Corolla

a. Gamopetalous

b. Polypetalus

26. Forms of Corolla-Gamopetalous

a. Spurred

b. Tubular

c. Imbutiform or Funnel Shaped

d. Ligulate

e. Campanulate

f. Labiate

g. Personate

h. Rotate

i. Hypocrateriform

j. Urceolate

27. Forms of Corolla-Polypetalous

a. Cruciform

b. Rotate

c. Papilionaceous

28. The Stamen

a. The Stamen

b. The Filament

c. The Anther

d. The Pollen

29. The Pistil

a. The Pistil

b. The Ovary

c. The Style

d. The Stigma

30. An indefinite Inflorescence

a. A Spike

b. A Raceme

c. A Panicle

d. A Corymb

e. A Simple Umbel

f. A Compound Umbel

g. A Capitulum

h. A Spadix

i. A Catkin

VI. The Fruit


31. Classification of Fruit Based on the Pericarp

a. Succulent Fruit

b. Dry Fruits

32. Succulent Fruits

a. The Drupe

b. The Berry

c. The Pepo

d. The Pome

e. Aggregate

f. Composite Fruits

33. Dehiscent Fruits

a. A Capsule

b. A Siliqua

c. A Legume or Pod

d. A Follicle